Why a Blog?
Getting people to your website is tough.
The right content makes it easier.
Does my business need a blog, you might wonder? Blogging is an essential part of content marketing, because it provides potential customers with information. It’s not overtly selling anything, even if it includes a call to further action.
Instead, customers are free to take your information and use it for free, no questions askedd. From how to choose a new furnace (and whether you need a medium- or high-efficiency model), to how to stage your home for the best resale price, there's no limit to the type of content you can provide.
Consumers trust the information they read on blogs, whether they’re influencer or corporate posts. According to BlogHer, over 80 percent of consumers say that they trust information from blogs.
Furthermore, site traffic to websites that have more than 20 blog posts increases by almost a third. This is due in part to the search engine optimization (SEO) benefits of answering questions consumers are asking. Even better, consumers who read custom blog content feel more positive about the company and its brand.
Blogs Benefit Companies and Customers
There are other equally persuasive reasons to invest in a blog for your website — and you should think of it as an ongoing investment. For instance, having this sort of business content online is the easiest way to establish your executives as thought leaders. In terms of internal communications, it’s a great way to promote employee engagement.
An open call for blog ideas and an invitation to contribute to the corporate blog can make junior communications staff feel appreciated. In addition, this practice gives employees not involved with marketing or communications a chance to shine, all while providing insight.
Think about the benefits of a tech support customer service blog that highlights five things you can do to fix your internet issues before waiting on hold for five, 10, or 30 minutes. This will make your customers happier, save time for your service representatives, and establish your value as thought leaders and experts in your industry. It boosts the user experience on your website and is a critical aspect of marketing for small businesses.
But Isn’t Blogging Dead?
It’s hard to know when the “blogging is dead” rumors first started, but by 2012 many social media experts jumped on the bandwagon and had virtual funerals for their blogs. Mobile was king, and mobile didn’t favor long-form writing, especially not long-form writing that wasn’t constantly updated.
“If journalism is now a process, continually updating and iterating on the facts in any given event, then you can’t really freeze it in an article anymore, can you? News is a river that happens all day and night, all over the world,” concluded Francine Hardaway.
Luckily, content strategists and marketers took a different approach, focusing on why blogging matters and how to adapt blogging to supply the content consumers want. While it may be true that we’re not using desktops and laptops as much as we used to, we’re getting by just fine on our mobile devices. Plus, data is getting cheaper and 5G is firmly in our sights so we can navigate the internet easily on our phones with voice commands.
Isn't video better than blogs, you might ask? Well, while video content may get a lot of views, it’s not necessarily the best way to begin learning about a broad topic. Basic and broad overviews are usually where consumers start when they’re contemplating installing a heat pump, investing in solar panels, or renovating their kitchen. As Wanda Coustas says, “when it comes to drilling down and providing the nitty gritty on a subject, long form content (that’s 2,000 words or more) performs systematically well.”
Small business owners should also know that choosing to create a blog does not make them a "blogger" or plant them in the camp of having a personal blog or travel blog. Marketing strategy suggests an area with detailed content will likely benefit a business website, driving users via Google search queries to your page to view your products and services. Choosing to start a blog is an important aspect of content marketing strategy.
Poke around our site and check out our blog and our portfolio to get an idea of the sort of content we can write for you. Want more? Contact us and we'll be happy to send you samples.
Like what you see? Great! We'll partner with you to create content that converts. We can even give you pointers on how to get your fresh content posted and shared with your audience via social media or in your email newsletter.
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