Legal | Wordsmyth Creative Content Marketing
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Lawyers, process servers, background check companies, and insurance legal support agencies have a responsibility to provide accurate, informative resources to their clients and prospects online. We can help them do just that.

Legal Industry Marketing Basics

Location Matters

The laws specific to your jurisdiction are not the same as the laws in every jurisdiction. We understand that fact intimately and will help you craft content that informs clients in your service area about the laws and regulations impacting them.

Local SEO is Important

Where you are located physically matters. No one is going to search "lawyers anywhere;" they're Googling "lawyers near me" or "attorneys in Hartford." Your Google My Business Listing and SEO strategy absolutely must speak to the geographic region you serve if you want clients to find you online.

Professionalism is Key

While we always strive for the utmost in professionalism, reputation matters at an elevated level in the legal industry. We will always represent your company with the highest degree of respectability and competence in our digital marketing efforts.

Win Big with Information

The law can be a bit of mystery to the general public. Put them at ease with accessible and useful content that will allow them to understand their rights and how you can help.

Law Firm

Legal Industry Marketing Best Practice

Client expectations and the ways that lawyers practice law have changed dramatically in the digital age and will continue to change going forward. Your online presence must evolve to communicate your expertise and draw in business. In a world where 96% of people seeking legal services use search engines, and 41% of people search for lawyers on their own instead of using referrals, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for your legal business.


Legal Practice Websites

According to Inbound Law Marketing, 46% of law firms have marketing budgets, and 87% have websites. Most of these websites have partner photos and profiles; other must-haves include pages for the different areas of laws practiced, locations and contact information, videos, and blogs.


The latter can include basic information like what workers' compensation is, news articles like chemical spills, or safety tips for avoiding car accidents. Other content can focus on successful case outcomes and legal articles written in-house.


LawLytics explains that quality content is the leading success factor for law firm websites. They should be easy for potential clients to understand and be informative and professional, fast-loading, and secure.


Once people find you, the objective is to persuade them to seek out your services by presenting facts related to their situation. You'll need to hold their attention, establish your firm's experience and credibility, and provide them with a call to action.

SEO Basics for Legal Practices

SEO is a marketing strategy that differs from purchasing advertising slots and is typically used in conjunction with social media, branding, design and content writing to drive organic traffic. SEO uses keywords and content to achieve high rankings on Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and other search engines.


In 2020, Search Engine Journal reported that 25% of users click on the first result in a Google search, the 10th result garnered only 2.5% of the clicks, and click-throughs dropped off sharply on second pages. Ensuring that you're at the top of search engine rankings can drive 10 times as much organic traffic to your site.


Users trust search engines to deliver authoritative, credible, and timely results. This can help potential clients see your legal firm as trustworthy, knowledgeable, and current on the legal issues those same clients are facing. Ensuring that your firm ranks higher in search engine result pages (SERPs) is an effective way to introduce your law firm and build solid relationships with potential clients.


Legal practice SEO requires extensive keyword research, strategic content development, link building, onsite optimization, citation building, and Google My Business optimization. The importance of that last component cannot be understated because your site should target a local service area unless you have a nationwide practice.


For example, if you have a personal injury law firm in Rochester, New York, you will want to weave this information into your content for higher rankings.



Goal-setting is critical for success on social media, and yours might start with brand awareness, increased website traffic, and new leads. Here is a strategy you can implement for this: a tag on your Facebook page about a recent case won could pique a reader's interest. If they are looking for an attorney with experience in a similar area, that tag could lead them right to your website. To keep your social media up to date and effective, you'll need to post and interact with users frequently.

The driving goal for your legal marketing strategies is to be seen by potential clients as authoritative, reputable and relatable. When this is achieved, new clients will be reaching out to learn more about your services. We can design a customized marketing plan for your practice using a combination of these strategies to drive traffic to your business and build trust that turns visitors to your website into clients.

How Social Media Helps Legal Practices

Law firms that shy away from taking advantage of social media are doing themselves a disservice; Good2BSocial posts that law practices that do not interact with the public on at least one social platform are as good as "invisible."


Stepping into social media involves defining your target audience, choosing the right platforms, and curating and creating the appropriate content. For law firms, blatant self-promotion is not the way to go because strong sales pitches can eat away at your credibility.


Justice Scale

Local SEO is Key

Find clients in your geographic area through the strategic use of SEO keywords and targeting.

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